Monthly Archives: December 2014

3t2 Conversion: Cmo’s Wall Mounted Desk


The mesh for this along with recolours by Michelle can be found on Leefish. Michelle made LACK recolours as well available here.

Please note: this file is NOT file share friendly. You may not redistribute the mesh with your recolours and you may not clone the mesh.  Sorry, this is the policy of the original creator who made the TS3 object for Leefish exclusively.

IKEA Add-ons: FABRIKÖR Glass-door Cabinet


$179 simoleans
Found in Surfaces » Shelves (9 slots)

Items cannot be moved/removed once placed in the cabinet without the undo button. Items can be moved around in the open slaved cabinet. There are recolours available by Michelle and Selenaq13 which can be found on Leefish and Tumblr respectively. Thank you~♥

Download FABRIKÖR Glass-door Cabinet

Functional Business Fax Phone


The slim phones when I first shared them were cloned from a phone with a broken shadow. I don’t play with shadows all the time and did not notice that they were turned off, so I didn’t test them. When I discovered the mistake, I fixed the shadows and shared this phone to make up for having to re-download the slim phones.

There is no ‘fix’ on this thread, because the slim phones have been updated–just the fax phone. The fax itself is deco only.

Download Business Fax Phone

Stationary Clutter

nanashi-stationary_setDeco stationary for clutter fans and interior designers. There are two versions of this download available:

  • catalogue version – items show up in Deco » Sculptures and in a collection file.
  • collection version – items are not available in the catalogue, but can be found in a collection file.

Please note, you may only install one of the two versions because they share the same GUID.

Download Stationary Clutter (Catalogue)
Download Stationary Clutter (Collection)

Filip Gordon Frank ‘Mini Me’ Lamp


Filip Gordon Frank is a talented Croatian designer whose works are simple, clean, and contemporary. You can see more of his works on his website.

Ignore the + Stationary Set. I originally shared the lamp and stationary files together, but since they are unrelated I’ve separated them. I’ll be uploading the stationary set in the following post.

This is an updated version (updated the day of this post) that shifts the fixture up so that it resembles the original better. There are two versions: cordless, and with cord. Both can be installed in your game as they have separate GUIDs.

Download Filip Gordon Frank Mini Me Lamp (Cord)
Download Filip Gordon Frank Mini Me Lamp (Cordless)